
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Stricken with cancer and fragile from chemotherapy, author and outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens sits in an armchair before an audience and waits for the only question that can come first at such a time.

OKLAHOMA CITY - Atheists in Oklahoma City have erected a billboard seeking fellow non-believers, and Satanists have scheduled a conference in a city-owned building, drawing criticism from ministers in a state where more than eight out of 10 people say they are Christians.

THE ISSUE: Chicago-area atheist Rob Sherman is suing administrators of southern Illinois' towering Bald Knob Cross of Peace over a $20,000 state grant the caretakers received to help pay for the site's ongoing restoration.

ST. LOUIS - An atheist is suing to force the administrators of a towering cross in southern Illinois to return a $20,000 state grant toward its restoration, saying Thursday it was "blatantly unconstitutional" to spend taxpayer money on a Christian symbol.

ST. LOUIS - Farmers sold pigs to help raise money to build the towering cross on southern Illinois' highest point as a year-round testament to faith.
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