Dyngus Day Celebrated Today

By Priyanka, Gaea News Network
Monday, April 5, 2010

INDIANA (GaeaTimes.com)- The Dyngus Day or the Wet Monday is another name for Easter Monday, as it is celebrated and followed by the people of Poland. Dyngus day is celebrated after the Easter Sunday. In Poland, the day begins with boys awaking the girls from their sleep by pouring a bucket of water on the latter’s head and then striking them on their legs with decorated twigs.

However, Dyngus day celebration is not restricted to Poland and Chez Republic but many parts in United States of America celebrate the occasion too. The South Bend’s West Side Democratic and Civil Club will be celebrating Dyngus Day for the 80th year reportedly. According to reports, special occasions are lined up for the whole day which will begin at 9 a.m. in the morning. Some of the politicians will be delivering speeches on the occasion of the Dyngus day and arrangements are also made for common people to enter the club and participate in the celebration along with the members.

According to some old members of the club, this celebration provides them with the opportunity to meet up with old members and friends. Arrangements for special Polish food have also been reportedly made by the Club. The Dyngus day celebration at the club will continue for the whole day. This year too, many people will be following the custom and have plans lined up for the day ahead. On Dyngus Day restaurants and parks offer special discounts as it is one of the biggest festivals of the year and people take the opportunity to celebrate the Dyngus day along with their family.

Filed under: Religion

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