NEW DELHI - Prime Minister Manmohan Tuesday urged the people to maintain peace and harmony after the Allahabad High Court delivers its verdict Thursday in the 61-year-old Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute in Ayodhya.
NEW DELHI - Political parties across the board as well as religious groups Tuesday welcomed the Supreme Court dismissing a petition seeking to defer the Allahbad High Court judgment on title suits in the Ayodhya dispute, saying the decision would end the uncertainty.
NEW DELHI - The Supreme Court Tuesday paved the way for the Allahabad High Court to give its verdict on the Ayodhya dispute, dismissing a petition that sought its postponement. The high court has now decided to deliver the judgment Sep 30 at 3.30 p.m.
NEW DELHI - Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) general secretary Prakash Karat Tuesday said the Allahabad High Court verdict on the Ayodhya suit should be respected by all.
NEW DELHI - Muslim groups Tuesday welcomed the Supreme Court decision to allow the Allahabad High Court to deliver its verdict on the Ayodhya dispute.
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